Monday, February 21, 2011

Talkin' in church...

The other day,in the middle of ustrasana, or camel pose—a killer backbend that some consider the toughest posture in the whole Bikram practice—it occured to me that if I can remain calm and focused while in such a physically stressful state, I can get through anything. The studio around me is full of people who know just what I mean. They practice not because a Bikram studio is a particularly lovely place to spend 90 minutes a day but because without it, they would be angry, inflexible, immobilized, fatigued, intolerant, petty, pained, and maybe even dead. So I can stand on that pulpit for 10-12 minutes and talk about the Holy Ghost without passing out or hyperventilating. (I am really trying to talk myself into this!)
Well for now I must boil me some eggs for the week and visit someone from the ward that needs a smile--its about all I can give with the time that I have :)

(thats how they say goodbye in India since I am getting geared up for my trip!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


There is nothing better than having a long weekend so I can see my dear friends! The only problem is I let my hair down! I eat crap and am always full of regrets soooo my goal this week--I am on my diet 24-7, regardless of who I am with. Tomorrow I am going to Jordan Valley to take a load a cattle so I am going to try to go on a walk while I am there and stick to my diet! Life is great--God is good!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Tomorrow I am going back on my diet. I am waking up at 4:45 so I will be able to go to Bikram yoga before school starts. After I am going on a hike with my dear friend Lewt. I am going to do whatever I can to finally lose the last ten lbs! I am going to use this lame blog as moral support/fitness and gratitude journal. In Bikram I learned that I need a fitness and gratitude journal so that is exactly what I am doing!
What I ate today: Hot chocolate for breakfast, string cheese at ten, half a protein bar for lunch and spaghetti and veggies for din-din!
What I did today: Went to my arobics class where we used resistant bands--was going to go on a run but got my shots with Colby instead! :/
Things I am grateful for today:
The sunshine!
A reliable car
The fair-haired favorites
Mormon Messages
My grandma's hilarious sayings
